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“Atonal Improvisation and Jazz” is extremely significant and near to my heart. I believe the concepts laid out in this book will progress the current state of music towards its next stages. Forget everything you know about chords, scales and keys, and learn to think in chromatic intervals. This book is for any jazz musician, improviser or composer looking for new and modern material. I have tried my best to present this theory in a simple and practical way, and I can’t wait to see how other musicians use it in their own music. My only hope is that the readers feel as strongly about its potential as I do and that they truly have fun exploring the vast world of Atonality.

This book has two parts, part I "Interval Pairs", is a study of using 2 intervals at a time, exploring patterns, cells, and ii V I lines. Part II "Trichords", is a study of the Atonal version of Triads called Trichords. Trichords are built with 3 pitches and 3 intervals just like triads, and have many different techniques to explore.

Atonal Improvisation and Jazz

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